Thursday, September 6, 2012

Creeping Through the Threshold

 Okay.. hmm how to start this.. Well my name is Jt and I have never really blogged. Dabbled in the subject? yes. Full blown blogging? nah. I've never really been one to write my thoughts for the world to see, but after a bit of thought mixed in with this infinite nagging of boredom at the back of my subconscious. AND SO here I am nagging at you readers that may or may not everrrrrrrr come to read these few words of mine.. But unto those brave few that dare come upon me and my intellectual prowess.. Welcome ;)

   Happiness. Happiness is the one thing that I believe drives us all to get up every morning. You can say otherwise.. That you get up every morning to do work.. But why are you doing work? To make money Jt, duh, you silly thing. Okay okay I get that, but why make money? To buy things you want and need, right? Well there you go! You need food and clothing and shelter. You want premium whole good foods, designer jeans and multi-million dollar homes. You wouldn't want them i they didn't make you feel good inside.. That momentary happiness. 
 Well I don't know about you but i don't want momentary happiness. I want something that lasts ages. 17 years old and I WANT EVERLASTING HAPPINESS DANG IT!! And so, I've decided to go after my dream :) This blog is my own little journal on the ever shifting sands that I travel on the road to finding happiness as a teen. 

  Perhaps, maybe.. Just maybe.. I can help someone else too

... Nah ;P

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