Thursday, September 6, 2012

Grrr. If only it wasn’t so hard just to write a paper. I mean really, just writing a paper. It isn’t the writing, it’s the rules of writing, the principles of type. It just isn’t good enough just to say what you want to express, oh no, everyone wants details, something more. That’s life, is it not? Someone striving to find a more exuberant lifestyle among the vast horizon of a dull and misfortunate plain.

People in this time seem to feel as if their life is no more than a senseless game where to climb the ladder, you have to send someone else down the chute. Some believe that this is the way of a modern society, giving up all moral sense of self-respect and respecting others to gain what this society has deemed as acceptable.

Have you, Reader, ever thought that maybe, just maybe, the world around you, the money hungry, ultimate power, strike first ask questions later world, is entirely and completely wrong? This worlds motto might as well be, with money comes power, and with power comes respect. I myself believe that the levels of gain are wrong on all accounts. 

First should come knowledge. Above all things knowledge is the most powerful weapon. With such a thing at your side, there is not a person alive that can neither tell you wrong nor lead you astray from your path. When you have knowledge, you know that you have something to hold, to keep, to cherish. Many have said that a man that stands for nothing, falls for anything. Knowledge is what you embrace to keep you from falling into the depths of this society.

Once knowledge has been dug from the shallows of the forgotten, respect will come soon after. Respect, as the dictionary states Reader, is a feeling or attitude of admiration and deference toward somebody or something. To put things into simple terms, a person is looking at you and in their mind something in them is going, I like that about them. There is a part in all persons that ultimately searches for something to model themselves on, someone who is liked by others and has the education to match that popularity. Thus approves of my claim, with knowledge comes respect.

With this newfound respect, you come to claim power. Careful Reader, power is a dangerous word. You see, the dangers come when you begin to talk of a word with so many meanings. Do not be mistaken by my words, the power that I speak of is the power to obtain this newfound respect and to not be engulfed by the temptation that comes with it. Do you understand my words? When I say temptation, what comes to mind? My friend, a person blinded with power comes to believe that they can do all things and all answer to that person. When you come into that mind frame, it is hard to turn back and even harder to give up what has been your world for so long. This is why many people come to be the way they are in this time. They start to believe that the world is set on bending backwards to please them, and then reality hits. One minute they are being nominated for an award, and the next minute they are being evicted from their homes and are reduced to nothing more than common folk. You would think that after seeing what was going on that someone - besides you and I - would see that something was wrong, but maybe not?

Well, there you have it, this is my look on the levels of society, many have attempted to master it, but most have failed miserably. Through me, Reader, I hope you find the way you are questing for.

As I leave, promise me this, the next time you go out with a friend, look around, you may be surprised to find how many people have come to respect the true way of society… maybe.

Searching for answers always,


Creeping Through the Threshold

 Okay.. hmm how to start this.. Well my name is Jt and I have never really blogged. Dabbled in the subject? yes. Full blown blogging? nah. I've never really been one to write my thoughts for the world to see, but after a bit of thought mixed in with this infinite nagging of boredom at the back of my subconscious. AND SO here I am nagging at you readers that may or may not everrrrrrrr come to read these few words of mine.. But unto those brave few that dare come upon me and my intellectual prowess.. Welcome ;)

   Happiness. Happiness is the one thing that I believe drives us all to get up every morning. You can say otherwise.. That you get up every morning to do work.. But why are you doing work? To make money Jt, duh, you silly thing. Okay okay I get that, but why make money? To buy things you want and need, right? Well there you go! You need food and clothing and shelter. You want premium whole good foods, designer jeans and multi-million dollar homes. You wouldn't want them i they didn't make you feel good inside.. That momentary happiness. 
 Well I don't know about you but i don't want momentary happiness. I want something that lasts ages. 17 years old and I WANT EVERLASTING HAPPINESS DANG IT!! And so, I've decided to go after my dream :) This blog is my own little journal on the ever shifting sands that I travel on the road to finding happiness as a teen. 

  Perhaps, maybe.. Just maybe.. I can help someone else too

... Nah ;P